Southern Health Improvement Samity (SHIS) provides health, education and community services. “Southern” refers to the area of West Bengal, India and “Samity” means association. It is non-denominational and rejects all forms of prejudice.
Every day we take about 3000 patients. Thats over 100,000 people a year who recieve treatment.M.A. Wohab
Spearheaded by Sabitri Pal and M. A. Wohab, SHIS has been offering an array of services to farmers and other people. Our goal is to better the lot of the socially and economically weaker people in the unreached areas of West Bengal. Our motto is “Empowering the underprivileged”, and it is at the root of everything we do.
The group initiated social service programmes to help the distressed and for them to regain self-confidence and find new strengths. SHIS is non-denominational – its founders are Christian, Muslim and Hindu. They don’t discriminate against any group and will provide help to anyone in need.