SHIS primary mission is health care. Our programmes reach from the Sunderban islands in the Ganges to the foothills of the Himalayas. SHIS is committed to providing health care for the poorest of West Bengal.

Annually two million people in India develop tuberculosis and some 330,000 Indians die as a result.
Over the years, SHIS has made great strides in TB control, increasing access to detection and treatment.

SHIS successfully carries out Directly Observed Treatment (DOTs) with patient leaders i.e. TB – cured patients. We carry out repeated tests on TB – negative patients, to identify those TB negative persons who are carriers and pose a danger in future. SHIS has an intensive patient follow-up programme that discourages a lapse in daily intake of medicine. We raise awareness of TB prevention techniques and the dangers of multi-drug therapy resistance.
Despite the success achieved , there remains several blocks in each district which are remote and inaccessible and are not covered by any health services. As a result millions of people remain outside all types of TB care and treatment programme. We want to introduce mobile TB diagnostic clinics through ambulance-borne laboratory clinics, fully manned by required staff and equipment.
SHIS provides the following TB care:
- Diagnostic and treatment services for control of TB
- Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR) diagnostic and treatment services.
- Antibiotic treatments and linking up of TB / HIV co-infected patients at anti-retroviral (ART) centre.
- Operational research activity support for medical colleges.
Find out more on our website


Our goal is to eradicate avoidable blindness in the districts of South and North 24 Parganas and to improve eye health service delivery in the project areas by reaching out to 4.5 million people.
A state-of-the-art Eye Care Hospital was inaugurated in the year 2002 with 25 free beds at SHIS with a mission to provide quality eye care services to the weaker sections of the society at affordable costs and easy accessibility through reaching the unreached places with the help of our mobile boats.
SHIS Eye Care Hospital provides the following:
- Two modern Operation Theatres including a Major OT
- Trained paramedical staff
- Patient-friendly trainees, a spacious outpatients waiting hall
- Three Senior Ophthalmic Surgeons
- Hygienic food supply by in-house private catering services
Kolkata Urban Comprehensive Eye Care Project.
This was started in April 2010, was conceived to address eye health care problems for the marginalized communities in the Kolkata Slums. It targets 1.49 million people, especially women and children who are more vulnerable to eye health disorders, through a holistic approach that addresses eye health with other issues such as hygiene, sanitation, maternal and child health. The project till now has conducted over 10,000 adult cataract surgeries.
Find out more on our website

SHIS Eye Care Hospital

Habibullah had his sight saved by the Kolkata Urban Comprehensive Eye Care Project

West Bengal is home to many remote communities. From the Sunderbans in the south to the foothills of the Himalayas in the north.
Initiatives have been taken by SHIS to provide health care services in these deprived regions.

The services are provided by a team of Medical Officers, Nurse, X-Ray Technician, Laboratory Technician, Pharmacist and Para Medical Staff. SHIS also provide medical support by boat.
Find out about our Mobile Boat Clinics here.
SHIS Mobile Clinics offer the following:
- Early detection of disease and referral of complicated cases
- Minor surgical procedures
- Reproductive & Child Health Services
- Family Planning Services
- Diagnostic – Malaria, leprosy, TB, cancer and other endemic diseases
- Specialised facilities and services – X – ray, ECG, Ultrasound etc.
Find out more on our website

SHIS North Bengal Clinic


Delivery is carried out under the custody and care of qualified doctors and nurses, in clinics fully equipped for normal delivery and for neo and post natal care.
Emergency cases are referred promptly to the nearest appropriate referral hospital for delivery, under emergency arrangement through referral transport. SHIS has undertaken distribution of folic acid and iron tablets to expecting women to ensure safe motherhood and child survival along with normal immunisation.

SHIS Dayanand Pathology unit was established in 1983 has many trained clinical pathology staff including two experienced MD Pathologists and one Biochemist.
The pathology unit offers a wide range of manual and computerized facilities with modern instrument for hematology. Clinical chemistry and also biochemical analysis with internal quality control are carried out at affordable rates. SHIS diagnostic services also provide microbiology, histopathology, cytology, X-Ray, Ultrasonography with modern instrument. There are 15 SHIS Pathological units spread across West Bengal, including four mobile boat dispensaries and one forest based units in the Dooars region of Jalpaiguri.
Find our more on our website
Testing Centre (ICTC) Programme
SHIS has been implementing a comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention programme through targeted interventions since 2007 with the support of the West Bengal State Aids Prevention Control Society. It has established an Integrated Counselling and Treatment Centre (ICTC) in Bhangar. With a full time lab technician and a counsellor, activities are mainly focused on pre and post-testing counselling and referrals to medical services at hospitals.

ICTC/DMC Laboratory